Thursday, March 19, 2020

Compare and contrast the influence, outside countries, of Mao and Hitler Essays

Compare and contrast the influence, outside countries, of Mao and Hitler Essays Compare and contrast the influence, outside countries, of Mao and Hitler Essay Compare and contrast the influence, outside countries, of Mao and Hitler Essay Until the death of German Fuhrer Hitler and Chinese dictator Mao in 1944 and 1976 respectively, due to their interests, the two countries not only had an influence towards the countries around them, but the world. And the state of foreign policy, which it was mainly influenced by its distinctive ideology, had a huge impact too. Here the common factor about two single parties nation was that they were both involved in the wars. In particular, Germany took main role in World War 2, which it totally changed the history of countries that are even located in Far East Asia. Whilst the scale of the wars in which Maos Communist China was involved in was smaller compared to Germany, but it utterly changed the whole ideology and destiny of a country. Here, the nation that I am talking about is like North Korea. However, at the same time we must remember that the nature of involvement of wars were different; Hitler was more interest in his ideology and behalf, whereas Mao had a purpose of aid, in which rescuing other countries from what they see as an evil ideology, capitalism. Therefore, there is no doubt that the two totalitarian nations had a significant influence outside their countries. And most considerable influence outside their country was the consequence of their involvement in the wars. Thus, it is very important and effective to consider each dictators influence and power throughout comparing the impact they had in foreign domain. As I have mention above, Nazi Germany and Peoples Republic of China both had involvement in the wars. To begin with, soon after the death of the Weimar Republics president, Hidenburg, Hitler seized the ultimate power of Germany and declared himself as a dictator, Fuhrer. With this, he commenced very radical and aggressive foreign policies. Since breaking Germany itself free from Versailles, step by step, Nazi prepared an ultimate war to retain its glory back. On 1 September 1939 the German army invaded Poland from the west. On 17 September, Soviet forces invaded Poland from the east. Poland was swiftly defeated by the German tactics of Blitzkrieg. Britain and France could do little. On 3 October Poland surrendered. The path towards the world war, which has been intensified from series of events and circumstances in the Europe, has now been triggered by the invasion of Poland. Through 4 years of war, it had brutal consequences; most of countries in Europe and USA were involved in the war; moreover, the Poland invasion triggered Pacific-War in Asia and several countries in North and Centre Africa were the victims as well since the they were the colonies, so they were compelled to provide their stocks. Similar to Germany, Maos PRC had participated in Korean War and Vietnam War. The war that had a most significant influence, which PRC involved, was Korean War. The tension between communist and non-communist state was not limited to Europe and in 1950 it led to war in Korean peninsula. Korean was divided into two states: North Korea was communist and supported by USSR and China; South Korea had an anti-communist dictatorship and was supported by America. The two Koreans were divided by 38th parallel. Until now, the intense conflict between two parties still exists. And this controversial and critical issue is not only a major issue only for Korean but for whole world. An Issue such as nuclear missiles is one of them. To conclude, the two nations both were involve in the wars and this had considerable influence outside their own country. Especially, the event in which German devastates Poland, Belgium, and other nations in Europe and Chinese participation in Korean War was an identical one and most significant since it had absolutely changed the direction; history to politic, ideology, economy, culture, and life. Until now we have seen the common influence of the war, which had an involvement from the absolute dictator. However, there are also contrasts in many perspectives. Here we must explicitly identify the nature of the involvement. For Hitler, the purpose of war was mainly focused own his behalf. Hence, he advocated Lebensraum that would establish a living space and Nationalism, which would retain the respect diplomatically. Unlike the gloomy Weimar era, he wanted to transform Germany into a superior nation. So he was the one who triggered the war, and took over other countries and instigated Italy, and Japan to get involved in the war. Therefore, Hitler had a clear intention and aim that he wanted to achieve in the war. Whereas, the nature of Chinese involvement the wars were much different; unlike Hitler and Nazi, they were not the one who triggered the war; they participated wars that undermined their ideology, communism. Therefore, it was more likely to be a war against the ideology and not for their behalf. Thus the involvement of the PRC was much passive compared to Nazi. The Vietnam War is a good case. It was likely to be an aid rather than war since the troops of PRC was not involved in the war and only sent advisors and munitions to the Vietcong. Lastly, the scale of the war the two nations were involved in was different. The war that Hitler triggered was a global one; USA to Japan and Congo, it would not be an exaggeration to say that all the nations in the globe were influenced by the WW2. Whereas the wars, which China participated, was in few Asian countries. To sum, since the nature of their involvement in the war was different, the contrast between the influences has been shown. Throughout the essay, I have been discussing about the comparison and contrast by spotlighting the wars that the two leaders were involved in. Mainly, there is no doubt that Mao and Hitler were both involved in wars changed our history and is still influencing our generation. But the nature of its movement should be distinguished since Hitler had an ambition to conquer Europe and Maos focus was towards on containing Capitalism. I personally think this was effective way to compare for the two totalitarian dictators. However, Maos PRC was established after the end of WW2 and death of Hitler. Thus, I believe a comparison between two dictators was not the most effective question since Hitler was a leader during 1933~1944 and Mao was in 1945~1976. Therefore, for example, comparison between Mao and Stalin would had been a better comparison since the two totalitarian leader were involved in Cold war against USA and Capitalism states. For Hitler, Mussolini would have been a perfect comparison.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Giant Water Bugs, Family Belostomatidae

Giant Water Bugs, Family Belostomatidae Theres a reason members of the family Belostomatidae are called giants. The giant water bugs include the biggest insects in their entire order. North American species can reach 2.5 inches long, but the size record for this family belongs to a South American species that measures a full 4 inches in length at maturity. These hulking Hemipterans lurk below the surface of ponds and lakes, where theyre known to nip at the toes of unsuspecting waders. What Do Giant Water Bugs Look Like? Giant water bugs go by a number of different nicknames. Theyre called toe biters for their habit of sampling peoples feet (which, as you might imagine, is a startling and painful experience). Some call them electric light bugs, because as adults these winged behemoths can and do fly, and will show up around porch lights during mating season. Others call them fish killers. In Florida, people sometimes call them alligator ticks. No matter the nickname, theyre big and they bite. Members of the family of giant water bugs shares certain morphological traits. Their bodies are oval and elongate in shape, and appear flattened. They have raptorial front legs, made for grasping prey, with thick femora. Giant water bugs have short heads, and even shorter antennae, which are tucked beneath the eyes. A beak, or rostrum, folds under the head, just as in terrestrial true bugs, like assassin bugs. They breathe by means of two small appendages at the end of the abdomen, which function like siphons. How Are Giant Water Bugs Classified? Kingdom – AnimaliaPhylum – ArthropodaClass – InsectaOrder – HemipteraFamily - Belostomatidae What Do Giant Water Bugs Eat? A giant water bug eats just what you would expect a large, predaceous, aquatic insect to eat: other insects, tadpoles, small fish, and snails. Theyll eat whatever they can catch, and they dont concern themselves with finding small prey.  Giant water bugs can overpower critters several times their size with their strong, grasping forelegs. According to some sources, giant water bugs have even been known to capture and consume small birds. Like all true bugs, giant water bugs have piercing, sucking mouthparts. They pierce their prey, inject them with strong digestive enzymes, and then suck up the pre-digested bits. The Life Cycle of Giant Water Bugs Giant water bugs undergo incomplete metamorphosis, just as all true bugs do. The young eclose (emerge from their eggs) looking much like miniature versions of their parents. The nymphs are entirely aquatic. They  molt and grow several times until they reach adulthood and sexual maturity. Interesting Behaviors of Giant Water Bugs Perhaps the most fascinating thing about giant water bugs is the way they care for their offspring. In some genera (Belostoma and Abedus), the female deposits her eggs on her mates back. The male giant water bug is tasked with caring for the eggs until they hatch in 1-2 weeks. During this time, he protects them from predators, and regularly brings them to the surface for oxygen. He will also move to stir up the water around his body, keeping it oxygenated. In other species (genus Lethocerus), the mated female deposits her eggs on aquatic vegetation, above the water line. But males still play a role in their care. The male will usually stay submerged near the plants stem, and will periodically climb out of the water and wet the eggs with water from his body. Giant water bugs are also known to play dead when threatened, a behavior is known as thanatosis. If you happen to scoop up a giant water bug in a dip net while exploring your local pond, dont be fooled! That dead water bug might just wake up and bite you. Where Do Giant Water Bugs Live? Giant water bugs number about 160 species worldwide, but only 19 species inhabit the U.S. and Canada. Throughout their range, giant water bugs live in ponds, lakes, and even drainage ditches. Sources: Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. Johnson.Guide to Aquatic Insects and Crustaceans, Izaak Walton League of America.Belostomatidae, University of California-Riverside. Accessed February 21, 2013.Giant Water Bugs, Electric Light Bugs, Lethocerus, Abedus, Belostoma (Insecta: Hemiptera: Belostomatidae), by Paul M. Choate, University of Florida Extension. Accessed online February 21, 2013.Giant Water Bugs, Electric Light Bugs, University of Florida. Accessed February 21, 2013.Family Belostomatidae - Giant Water Bugs, BugGuide.Net. Accessed February 21, 2013.Giant Water Bug Parents, The Dragonfly Woman. Accessed February 21, 2013.